In today’s competitive market place, you need the Newton Retail to reduce your costs and manage growth. Retail is about product mix, pricing, people and logistics. Newton Retail gives you real time information about all these and helps you take right decisions at right time.
Newton Retail will help you in your pricing decisions, demand forecasting, Merchandize planning, Financial Management, People Management and more. It will help you control costs at individual store level and monitor store-wise product-group wise costs v/s margins. Newton will facilitate sku-wise pricing based on business rules of mark-up or mark-down.
It will help in seeing the impact of promotions before launching them and analysing the effect on sales later. With strong back-end system, Newton will help you enforce controls and policies across your retail chain. Newton Retail has helped retailers like you to build their business by acquiring customers, reducing supply-chain costs, improving inventory turnover and managing finances better.